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Debbie Mueller

Artists Bio

Married with two daughters, three grandchildren and a talking parakeet,
Rickie, I live in West Chicago on an acre we call High Lake Sculpture Garden.
Our collection includes sculptures from Chicago area sculptors.
As an undergraduate at Herron Art School in the 70’s, I took my first
ceramics class. I found working with clay intriguing and very challenging.
But having switched my focus to Elem Education, I lost touch with clay for
Over the years, I’ve had many careers – teaching elementary and preschool
classes, running a daycare home, freelance bookkeeping, and customer
service management.
Then I discovered ClaySpace. From 2008 – 2014, I took classes and became
an RA, serving time as Vice-President and Treasurer.
I’m now back and ready to take on the challenge of working with clay. I look
forward to working with and learning from all the talented artists at

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